Contact us

We welcome your inquiries and feedback at! Whether you’re seeking more information about our art collections, have questions about purchasing originals, or simply want to connect with us, we’re here to assist you.
Please fill out the form below, and our dedicated team will get back to you as soon as possible. Alternatively, you can contact Libby Mason-Smith directly via email at for any specific queries or information.

For inquiries regarding the purchase of originals, if you prefer not to acquire limited editions of prints available in A2 and A3 sizes, please reach out to us. Information about the availability of the original artwork can be found on each product page under the “Artwork Type” additional information.

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Contact us form

Thank you for your interest in We value your support and look forward to assisting you with your inquiries, purchases, or any other art-related matters.


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Hello! I’m Libby Mason-Smith

I am an artist living in the heart of the spectacular New Forest. As the forest landscape
changes throughout the seasons it provides me with endless inspiration and subject matter
to paint…