
About Me

I am an artist living in the heart of the spectacular New Forest. As the forest landscape changes throughout the seasons it provides me with endless inspiration and subject matter to paint.

My Medium

Working from time spent walking, sketching and photographing the New Forest I produce original artwork in a range of materials. A single medium is restrictive to my artistic process and I continue to experiment as I explore this ancient place.

My Background

With a background in Fine Art (BA Hons from Reading University, MA in Fine Art from University of Southampton and PGCE). I have worked in teaching and have exhibited both abroad and back home in the New Forest.

My Inspiration

My current work is in response to a deeper connection with the landscape as I draw from ever-changing seasons, moods and colours.

Hello! I’m Libby Mason-Smith

My work continually evolves, ranging from the more representational to the abstract.

Certain themes tend to reoccur such as shapes and spaces created by the crossing of branches which are further emphasised by the changing light. Another theme that occurs is that of pathways and journeying.

I try to communicate soulfulness through my work with a sense of awe and wonder at the landscape I journey through. I depict the fragile beauty I observe, the influences of sounds and smells, the determined force of nature and in some of the work the environmental threat that the forest faces.

I like to continually experiment with technique and various media, currently I use acrylic paints as they best fit my practise.

I build up layers of paint quite fast, sometimes wiping away to reveal colours underneath. As certain paintings develop, I often work into areas with finer detail, developing surface and texture along the way.